There has been a massive rise in mailbox theft over the past few years. Protecting your home security also means protecting your mail. Mailboxes carry important documents and paperwork. Credit cards and personal information are sent via mail, and criminals know this. Mail can also contain money, gifts, and cheques. Having your identity stolen is frustrating and costly. Protecting your mailbox is the easiest way to improving your home security. Be proactive in protecting your security, follow these two simple steps.
1) Access ControlControlling who has access to your building is the first step towards improving your security. Access control ensures that those who are allowed entrance to a specific area or building are permitted, while those who are not allowed entrance to a building are denied. The best way to ensure the access control of your mailbox is to put a high security lock on all gates and external doorways. Mr. Locksmith offers a range of high security deadbolts to solve all your access control problems. High security locks use exclusive keyways – so key control is never an issue. In gated communities and high rise condos, keys can be distributed to each of the tenants – the only way to make a copy of the key would be through the board or building manager. A high security lock is more resilient to break-ins.
2) Have your Mailbox Lock changed RegularlyRekeying your mailbox lock costs $75.00. We have all mailbox locks in stock at all times. You should always rekey your mailbox lock when you move into a new building, lend or lose your keys. Stolen purses and lost keys are a large source of unauthorized access to buildings and mailboxes. Rekeying your mailbox is the easiest way to protect your security. This should be done with each new tenant and every time you lose your key, wallet, purse, or move. If you are concerned about your mailbox security or have any other security concerns you should call Mr. Locksmith to talk to a security specialist immediately. |
By following these two simple steps, rekeying your mailbox locks regularly and ensuring access control through high security door locks the safety of your wall mounted mailbox lock is assured.
Remember to stay vigilant. Don’t let strangers into your building! Criminals often pretend to be a locked out tenant, or an impatient friend who has forgotten the buzzer number.
Check out these locksmith training classes coming to Victoria in April.
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